Harrogate comeback thwarted as Hull are given 'reality check'

National Two North

Harrogate 30

Caldy 32

A LATE penalty dashed Harrogate's hopes of crowning their second-half fightback with a victory.

This was a thrilling encounter with both sides scoring four tries and two penalties but Caldy's three conversions to Harrogate's two was the difference.

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Caldy looked impressive in the first half and hooker Dowdridge's early try was converted by fly-half Vasey.

Harrogate replied with a penalty from Chalmers but Vasey dtruck back with one before Harrogate wing Rob Almond, was adjudged to have deliberately knocked on and was shown a yellow card.

With Harrogate a man short, Caldy increased the pressure and right wing Craig Ross was next to score but the conversion hit the post. Centre Gavin Roberts then broke through on the Harrogate 22 for a try converted by Vasey to complete Caldy's first half scoring.

Harrogate scored a well created try through full-back Ali Chalmers which he converted to make it 29-10 at the break and the second half belonged to the hosts.

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