Is it safe to take the pill every day and skip your period? Myths about the contraceptive pill debunked

Oral contraception is the most popular form of birth control for women, according to a recent report by The Guardian, which states that nine in 10 women who receive contraception from their GP opt for the pill or mini-pill.

It contains artificial versions of female hormones oestrogen and progesterone, which women produce naturally in their ovaries, and works by preventing ovulation.

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But despite its popularity and the fact that it’s been widely available in the UK for more than 50 years, there are still plenty of myths surrounding oral contraception.

Here are the most popular ones debunked.

It’s unsafe to take pill packets back-to-back

Whether it’s safe to take the pill back-to-back and skip a period is a common question among women already taking the pill or considering it.

The NHS explains: “The usual way to take the pill is to take one every day for 21 days, then stop for seven days, and during this week you have a period-type bleed. You start taking the pill again after seven days.”

But guidelines released last year from The Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH), explain that there is no health benefit to taking a break while you're on the combined contraceptive pill.

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These guidelines were accredited by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), and said: "Women can safely take fewer (or no) hormone-free intervals to avoid monthly bleeds, cramps and other symptoms."

FSRH added: “If a hormone-free interval is taken, shortening it to four days could potentially reduce the risk of pregnancy if pills, patches or rings are missed.”

You can take the pill at any time

The NHS notes that, “You need to take the pill at around the same time every day. You could get pregnant if you don't do this, or if you miss a pill, or vomit or have severe diarrhoea.”

The pill isn’t safe

The combined contraceptive pill is one of the most researched and prescribed medications, with health experts confirming that it is a safe contraception method to use.

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The IUD or copper coil is another common form of contraception (Photo: Shutterstock)

Like any medication, there are certain health risks that are linked to pill use, with minor side effects including mood swings and headaches, but serious side effects are rare.

However, it is important that you discuss your personal and family medical history with your GP before taking the pill.

The pill makes you gain weight

While women can often feel bloated at certain times of the month due to hormonal changes, the NHS advises that there is no clear evidence that the pill affects your weight.

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