Seven arrests in York during crackdown on modern slavery and human trafficking

Police carried out checks on businesses in York as part of a drive to identify and protect victims of modern slavery and human trafficking.

Visits were made by North Yorkshire Police to four car washes in the city last Thursday, September 7, with support from the Health and Safety Executive, Trading Standards and Immigration Services.

One site was immediately closed due to concerns over working conditions while advice was given to staff at another two.

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Seven arrests were made the following day at the Regency Chinese restaurant on Barbican Road and the Regency Chinese restaurant and supermarket on George Hudson Street.

Four men and three women were arrested on suspicion of various immigration offences.

North Yorkshire Police’s Insp John-Paul Freer said: “This multi-agency operation sends out a clear message that North Yorkshire Police and our partners are proactively seeking out those who abuse workers, workers’ rights and the UK immigration laws for their own profit.

“Proactive policing operations such as these also allow us to protect and ensure the correct support and assistance is available for slavery and trafficking victims, to enable them to break free and leave the cycle of abuse and exploitation that they experience on a daily basis.

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“I would appeal to the public, these activities show that vulnerable people are being exploited around you.

“You are our eyes and ears and if you come across anything which alerts your suspicion, or are aware of an individual who seems controlled, scared or vulnerable or being forced to work against their will, please contact police on 101.”