YP Letters: Time to put Scotland's finances to the vote in England

Nicola Sturgeon.Nicola Sturgeon.
Nicola Sturgeon.
From: Janet Berry, Hambleton.

WHY doesn’t someone have the courage to tell Nicola Sturgeon) to sling her hook (Tom Richmond, The Yorkshire Post, October 29)? I am convinced if we had a referendum in England to see if we wished Scotland to remain with us she would be defeated.

She is happy to take all our subsidies and yet has more loyalty to the EU than England. It is disgusting that Scottish MPs are allowed to vote in London and yet we cannot vote in Scotland, she is just a trouble causer and I have yet to meet anyone who likes her.

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What would they do without being subsidised by English taxpayers? They have free tuition fees, free prescriptions and free old age care, what more does she want? Even refugees do not want to stay in Scotland as they said it was boring. Fine if you like lochs, deer, fir trees and midges but there is more to life. Someone should be brave enough to tell her how it is and how many English people feel about her.

From: Sam Scudamore, Leyburn.

PLEASE can the English have a referendum on the Barnett Formula and whether we should keep subsidising Scotland.

From: Nigel Boddy, Fife Road, Darlington.

MARK Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, has steered us through some very troubled waters. I would be very sorry to see him leave his post. There seems to me to be a nasty vindicitve spiteful side of politics and the Press which has wanted him out of office for some time.

If there is any suggestion pressure is being applied from Westminster to remove him, then it is those people in Westminster who should be removed from office.

From: Canon Michael Storey, Healey Wood Road, Brighouse.

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RECENT articles in The Yorkshire Post have revealed the parlous financial state of many elements of our national life. “Road to Nowhere”, “Farming Farce”, “Chemist closure threat is lottery for the vulnerable” and “We are straining our doctors to limit and beyond” all appear as serious articles (The Yorkshire Post, October 29).

Add to these the national debt of some £1.5 trillion, one wonders when a Government will start to tackle these issues? They all need funding and, while it may be that income tax is not absolutely fairly changed to the people of the UK, it may be the fairest way to help solve the problems to which I have referred?

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