Has Gove passed the test with his plans for state education?

From: AW Clarke, Wold Croft, Sutton on Derwent, East Yorkshire.

IT is hardly surprising that Lady Morgan is so miffed at being dropped as head of Ofsted since she has been provided with several nice little political appointments since 2005 after most of her working life had been spent working for the Labour Party in various jobs.

Please note that she was never elected. Each of her jobs have been found through her “connections” though she did manage to teach for all of four years, hardly qualifying her as an expert in education.

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It must be quite galling for her to suddenly find herself cast adrift without a nice income provided by the public purse.

Incidentally, this champion of the state education system is said to have had a son at a private school though as this is information gleaned from the internet I cannot be sure if it is true.

Though I have no particular admiration for Michael Gove, I do think that the Opposition have a bit of a cheek when 80 per cent of public appointments during their tenure were to Labour supporters. What goes around comes around and Lady Morgan and her party should stop their whining.