A-Level results: Success across the board at Bradford school

Jumping for joy Lily MacTaggart at Bradford grammarJumping for joy Lily MacTaggart at Bradford grammar
Jumping for joy Lily MacTaggart at Bradford grammar
TOP performing students at a school in Bradford were celebrating their A-level results today.

Among the success stories at Bradford Grammar School was Lily MacTaggart who achieved five A*s and is now going to study English and French at Oxford.

The 18-year-old from, Undercliffe, Bradford said: “It’s all a bit surreal. I’m really happy and I’m glad I put the hard work in and it has paid off.

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“Lots of my friends are happy too, so it’s been a good morning. It’s been emotional seeing all of my teachers who have taught me for so long. I’m not sure what I will go on to do after my degree but I’m looking forward to my year abroad which will give me a chance to experience new things.”

Bradford Grammar School former head boy Dan SandersonBradford Grammar School former head boy Dan Sanderson
Bradford Grammar School former head boy Dan Sanderson

Fellow Bradford Grammar student Stephanie Tye sat her A-levels a year early and managed to pick up four A* and an A. The 17-year-old, from Fagley, will be going on to read Natural Sciences at St John’s College in Cambridge.

Rugby star Rowan Beckett, 18, from Silsden and James Celaire ,18, from Clayton, Bradford, have places to read medicine. Rowan, who played for North-Midlands Lambs Under 18s, scored four A* grades and will study at Peterhouse, Cambridge. After gaining two A* and two A grades, James, who was captain of the school’s first XI cricket team, will study at Birmingham University.

James said: “I feel relieved after gaining the results I needed. I’ll miss the many friends I’ve made at school, but I’m looking forward to the independence of university where I hope to continue playing cricket.”

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Former head boy Dan Sanderson, 18, from Ilkley, who starred in the school’s acclaimed production of J.B. Priestley’s forgotten masterpiece “Johnson Over Jordan”, is taking up a place at Pembroke College, Cambridge to read history after achieving two A* and two A grades.

Headmaster Kevin Riley, who retires next term after three years at the school, said: “I am delighted to congratulate our students on some outstanding results this year; with 50 per cent of all grades being at A* or A, BGS continues to achieve outstanding academic results. Particular congratulations to Lily MacTaggart who achieved an astonishing 5 A* grades.”

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