Watson Batty Architects beats targets for the year as it reveals sustainability push for 2022

Watson Batty has an office in Leeds.Watson Batty has an office in Leeds.
Watson Batty has an office in Leeds.
Architectural practice Watson Batty Architects said it traded ahead of targets despite a challenging year.

The business, which has offices in Leeds and Loughborough, also made a commitment to put sustainability at the top of its agenda for 2022.

Watson Batty enjoyed a strong business pipeline and expects to surpass its £2.8m turnover target by around 5 per cent by the year end in April.

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The firm attributed its success to being versatile with specialist teams that support key sectors including industrial and distribution, learning, healthcare, living, retail, sport and leisure, transport and workplace.

It enjoyed new framework success with clients including Accent Housing, Alliance Leisure, ESS Modular supply chain and CCS Construction Professional Services, through 2021.

New client gains include Vistry Partnerships, Elliott Group, Leeds Federated HA, Wharfedale Homes and Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust.

Peter White, managing director at Watson Batty, said: “These results reflect our strong resilience as we continually adapt our business strategy to become more agile and responsive to the changing needs of our clients and projects.

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Sustainability has emerged as a key priority for our profession, as well as our clients, in dealing with the climate crisis.

“We have established a sustainability taskforce to address this and to guide our clients on how to design and deliver buildings on the journey to net zero.

“Our design principles look to drive change within the industry, not just in sustainability but also in fire safety, modern methods of construction and inclusive design,”

Watson Batty said it has invested heavily in building the expertise of its 35-strong team through qualification support and promotions and intends to create several new management roles in the new year.

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The architectural practice’s team is also involved with the RIBA Student Mentoring Programme at the University of Sheffield, De Montfort University, Leicester and Loughborough University.


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