Meet the Yorkshire printing firm behind pizza-scented menus

The Pizza Boys are using pizza scented menus.The Pizza Boys are using pizza scented menus.
The Pizza Boys are using pizza scented menus.
ONE of the UK’s biggest online printers, instantprint, has created bespoke pizza scented menus for one of its customers

The Pizza Boys is trialling pizza scented menus in a bid to attract new customers

The Pizza Boys co-founders, Danny Holman and Simon Holder, contacted the product development team at instantprint with the challenge of creating the pizza-scented menus.

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Jon Constantine-Smith, from instantprint, which is based in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, said; “Simon and Danny were existing customers of ours and when they came to us with this off the wall idea for menus, we of course jumped to the challenge. We pride ourselves on being able to deliver exactly what our customers want, and we weren’t about to let the fact we’d never done it before stop us.”

The menus were created using a scented varnish. Mr Holman said; “We take real pride in the pizzas we make, using only the finest Italian ingredients along with locally sourced produce to create the best tasting innovative pizza flavours in the area.

“We really wanted this to be reflected in everything, from our custom-built pizza trailer to our menus and branding which is how the idea for scented menus came about. We wanted to stand out for being different and if we’re honest, we weren’t at all sure it was possible but the guys at instantprint really rose to the challenge.

“We could smell the unmistakeable scent of pizza seasoning when we opened up the package of menus, and we couldn’t be more pleased.”