Stump Cross Caverns: How Yorkshire family-run attraction has almost doubled visitor numbers thanks to fossil experience

Three years ago, Cavewoman was born, or was it 10,000 years ago? This modern cavewoman found herself atop Greenhow Hill, or rather deep inside it, having moved from Northumberland to be back home in Yorkshire.

Lisa Bowerman, who comes from Doncaster originally, is Cavewoman, a character she has played every day since starting the transformation of the fortunes of what had perhaps been one of the most underrated of Yorkshire’s amazing historic places, with her son and fiancé.

Stump Cross Caverns date back over 350 million years, weren’t found until 1860 by local miners, and for much of Lisa’s tenure since purchasing in 2003 have remained mostly undiscovered by others, despite being home to a treasure trove of stalagmites and colourful rock formations in the prehistoric caves.

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